Energy Elestor

werken bij Elestor

Imagine a world without polluting power plants, powered purely by clean electricity. This world is closer than you think. The sun and the wind are powerful enough, and so are the technologies to harvest their energy. However, possibilities to store renewable energy (sustainably and cost-effectively) are lacking; electricity storage is ‘’the missing link’’ in the energy transition.

It is Elestor’s mission to cut the cost of electricity storage. We develop large-scale, cost-effective HBr storage technologies that are carbon neutral and durable, thereby unifying the interests of the Planet, the People, and business Profitability.


technology & roadmap

Elestor’s revolutionary low-cost flow battery systems have received several (inter)national awards in recognition of our ability to reduce the cost of storing electricity to an absolute minimum. For more understanding, feel free to visit our website. Here we’ll explain more about the underlying fundamentals and the triple cost reduction strategy, making Elestor’s solution unique on the world stage.

Elestor is backed by a €30 million investment and is now ready to implement an ultra-rapid growth strategy to accelerate the commercialisation and operationalization of its proven hydrogen bromine flow battery technology. The segment is expected to represent a market potential of approximately €20 billion by 2025. The international market pull is already concrete and very fast growing!

people & growth

We are in the middle of genuinely unprecedented developments, made possible by an international group of researchers and engineers of remarkable talent and diversity. In future years, the company will expand literally in every direction. In anticipation of this steep growth, Elestor will look forward to meeting sincere, thoughtful, and entrepreneurial individuals feeling energized to empower necessary change: toward a 100% clean electricity supply.

But be warned, Elestor is not a place for you if you're risk-averse, can’t stand change, or feel attached to your big yearly bonus. Don't get us wrong, we also aim big, but we aim for sustainable impact (long-term). Purpose matters to us; this is why Elestor provides a Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) program for every employee. When we succeed, we all benefit. Especially in caring for what we share the most: a healthy planet!

ontdek Elestor

  • locatie
    Westervoortsedijk 73 6827 AV Arnhem Gebouw BF
  • “we gaan elektriciteit zo goedkoop maken dat alleen de rijken kaarsen branden. ” Thomas A. Edison
  • toekomst

    Visie van Elestor

    Goedkope elektriciteitsopslag maakt 100% schone elektriciteitsvoorziening mogelijk en draagt ​​bij aan het creëren van een schone en duurzame wereldomgeving. De visie van Elestor is om 24/7 grootschalig economisch gebruik van zelf opgewekte duurzame elektriciteit mogelijk te maken.

    Missie van Elestor

    Kosteneffectieve elektriciteitsopslag wordt vaak de 'missing link' in de energietransitie genoemd. De missie van Elestor is om de kosten van elektriciteitsopslag te minimaliseren door grootschalige, kosteneffectieve HBr-opslagtechnologie te introduceren, waardoor de belangen van de planeet, de mensen en de winstgevendheid van het bedrijf worden verenigd.

join us!

jouw toekomstige collega's

  • Wiebrand Kout Oprichter & CTO

  • Guido Dalessi Directeur

  • Hylke van Bennekom Operationeel Manager

  • Yohanes Hugo Teamleider R&D

  • Thijs Verbeek Teamleider Stack Engineering

  • Bogdan Floares Teamleider Elektrotechniek

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